Public Policies for Media Regulation
The basic purpose of this domain is to monitor the governmental policies in the scope of regulation of the media activity, both in the exclusively Portuguese space and in the wider space of lusophony. In this line of action, it has been the purpose of the researchers to present public proposals that contribute to an adequate management of the activity of the media.
Public Policies for Science and Education
This axis has a dual purpose: a) to accompany the political measures of impact in the management of the science, specifically in what the conditions of possibility of the Communication Sciences concerns; b) to monitor the educational offer in the field of Communication Sciences in the three levels of education.
Public Communication and Social Intervention Policies
This domain provides for conducting research-oriented monitoring of public communication policies for health, communication for development, cultural communication and communication for social inclusion.
Cooperation Networks
One of the purposes of this observatory is linked to the idea of promoting, within the scope of its intervention actions, the creation of an Iberian and Luso-Brazilian network of agents of the field of culture for an integrated cultural policy.
Public Policies for Cultural Heritage and Valuation
This axis aims to monitor the way in which cultural heritage has been promoted and to contribute to the valorisation of activities and artistic and cultural production groups.
Policies to Support the Creation and Programming and Public Literacy
In this field, the POLObs intends to follow up measures of support to the creation and cultural programming, as well as to study the practices of cultural enjoyment and to promote actions of public literacy for the art and the culture.