PolObs is an Observatory on Science, Communication and Culture Policies that operates across the three research groups of the Communication and Society Research Centre. This project, as suggested by its own name, aims to monitor the key actions underlying the field of communication and culture in Portugal. In accordance with that which has always been the trademark of the intervention of this research unit, this observatory aims to monitor public policies in key media and communication areas as a field of science and education. It also aims at the implementation of a cultural policy in Portugal, internationally framed and resulting of a network of public and private cultural policies.
Building upon diverse specific axes, this observatory has a line of action that that takes up the concerns of the CECS in the connection of communication to citizenship and the practice of action/intervention research. In addition to mapping the area, the researchers associated with this initiative also seek to present proposals for action with official bodies / agencies, thus promoting the convergence of science and civil society.
The website of the Observatory on Science, Communication and Culture Policies was developed in the scope of the project UID/CCI/00736/2013, funded by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007560 and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Currently it is supported by the project UID/CCI/00736/2019, funded by the FCT.